3 Reasons Why You Need a Speaker at Your Workshop

Jun 19, 2018 | Industry

We're already half way through 2018 (how did that happen?) and my travel calendar for workshops and speaking is full for this year but I'm already getting lots of inquiries for 2019 from some very organised people! So I thought I'd jot down some practical reasons why us bloggers attend workshops - I promise we're not JUST there for the pretty...


The most important reason you need a blog or publication on board with your workshop as a sponsor is to help you sell those seats. Find a blog or magazine with a highly engaged readership and/or social account and one that your industry peers follow and aspire to submit to. Promoting across their social channels will spread the word far better than simply using your vendors to do so. Blog it, post about it and generally shout it from the rooftops! But, they must also SELL it. What's different about it? What's unique? What's the USP? This platform should be forward thinking enough to drive your marketing too for the workshop, not just post about it and leave you there in a sea of similar workshops. Just 1 seat sold should MORE than cover the cost of the speaker attending.

3 reasons why you need a blog or magazine speaker at your workshop Pin it


Sure, there are lots of workshops out there that are all about the pretty. But are attendees going to learn about the practical side of shooting film, how to manage costs when shooting film, shooting in different lighting conditions, shooting for a higher end client, etc when they're just doing what they've always done? Education is the biggest part of our positive feedback when attending workshops and we cover all sorts of topics from getting published, social media and how best to use it, branding and attracting the right client for you plus so much more (especially if you catch at the bar with a wine spritzer!). Teach them your ways...


We're lucky enough to work with some awesome people in this industry so if you'd like to offer your attendees some money off their scans and processing, we can help! Need help sourcing some awesome gowns, accessories, vendors in a destination country? We can help! Your speaker should be on hand to help pull together an amazing team in an incredible location. The result? The first of many workshops we hope!

If you're interested in booking us for a workshop in 2019, please email me workshops@weddingsparrow.com with dates and information and I can send you a beautiful brochure full of what we offer.

See you across the world friends!

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Photography: Greg Finck from the 5th annual Greg Finck Workshop


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