How to create the perfect messy up-do for your wedding

Jul 17, 2019 | Bridal Style

It's often a last minute decision but your wedding hair is something that can really make or break your wedding style. We love a messy up do as much as the next fine art bride so we asked Hair & Make-up Artist Amanda Gros what her tips are on how to create the perfect messy up-do for your wedding....

How to create the perfect messy up-do for your wedding Pin it
How to create the perfect messy up-do for your wedding Pin it
How to create the perfect messy up-do for your wedding Pin it
How to create the perfect messy up-do for your wedding Pin it
How to create the perfect messy up-do for your wedding Pin it

- Work with what you got! If you have natural texture, wave or curls to your hair. Don't be scared to use that to your advantage. If you're natural texture needs a little help, try adding texture and wave with a hot styling tool (curling iron or flat iron) that mimics your natural hair.

- If you don't have natural texture, wave or curl to your hair that is ok too! Make sure to purchase a good texturizing product to help your hair stay in the texture you create. Kevin Murphy products are my go to products for adding texture. I use Doo Over for all over - this is a mix of dry shampoo to soak up the oils in your hair and this adds a light grit to your hair so you can mold and shape it as you would like. Another favorite is Bedroom Hair. This texturizing spray adds a lot of grit to your hair so this is great for those who have super straight hair but want some texture or those who have stubborn hair.

- Get a teasing comb. My favorite of all time is from Sally Beauty and it is only $2! It's called the Tortoise Backcomber. It creates such good volume and texture.

- Don't forget the fuzzies and flyaways! You want your up-do to look undone and messy but not frizzy. Sometimes all you need is a good finishing spray and can just hit them with and gently pat them down, but if you need something stronger go for a cream. My favorite finishing spray is Kevin Murphy Finishing Spray Flex and my favorite anti frizz cream is Kevin Murphy Easy Rider.

- Don't over think it! The key to creating a messy undone look is to just go with what you got. Don't try to change the direction of the hair if it wants to go one way, let it! You want it to look naturally undone. Pinned in all different areas of the hair, it's ok if one side doesn't look identical to the other as long as it all looks together as a whole.

vendor details

Photographer: Austin Gros | Film Lab: Self Scan | Stylist / Planner: Rosemary & Finch | Dress Designer: Modern Trousseau | Hair & Make-up Artist: Amanda Gros | Backdrop: Telicia Lee


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