Misty Morning Anniversary Session

Oct 13, 2016 | Engagements

As real of a fairytale as it gets - high school sweethearts and together for ten blissful years.

We love today's simple and authentic anniversary session in soft, ocean colors. By keeping things muted and focused on Tyler and Adam, we are gently reminded of how the hardships and 'mountains' in marriage are worth it, every single day. Hopewell Rocks provided the most serene location for this lovely session...

Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it
Misty Morning Anniversary Session Pin it

Vendor Details

Photography & Styling: Evelyn Barkey Photography | Film Lab: The Find Lab | Dress Designer: Artizia | Venue: Hopewell Rocks


Robb McCormick - 30 May 2017

Amazing posing and composition. Thanks for sharing and keep up the amazing work.

kim - 31 December 2016

I love the simplicity and natural feel of this shoot.  Refreshing and beautiful!

Curtis Wallis - 13 October 2016

Such a great story.  the depth of field and soft look really add to the mood.

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