Christine and Mark’s Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding

Apr 28, 2017 | Weddings

Ohhhh we totally squealed with glee when we saw the stunning sunlight and the insanely gorgeous color palette for Christine and Mark's lovely Arizona wedding! The mauve, dusty rose, and blush tones meshed together for a feminine, yet elegant bridesmaid look and we instantly felt all the spring feels. Christine and Mark are so clearly blissfully in love with each other as evident from their smiles and little blushes in every single image (wish we could show you the entire gallery!)... this is the type of real wedding that we live to show our future couples. Supremely happy couples make for the most incredible wedding images... oh, and uber talented Nicole Berrett helps that along as well. Feast your eyes on their romantic images and don't forget to watch their wedding video below...

From Nicole Berrett Photography: "Christine and Mark are two of the kindest humans I’ve ever met. They came to me with the desire to have a beautiful wedding, but above all to celebrate with their friends and family. Christine along with her planner, Sage + Stem & florist Carte Blanche Floral pulled together the most beautiful day, that was such a joy to photograph."

Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it
Christine and Mark's Blush and Taupe Outdoor Wedding Pin it

From the bride on their story: “I met Mark 17 years ago when I was 9 at a family dinner. It was an unremarkable event, but I do remember Mark graciously letting the girls take turns kicking him under the table. Eight years later our paths crossed again at a badminton center and Mark asked me on my first date to watch Fantastic Four. Smitten with his charming attitude, I agreed to go out with him. My parents’ only condition? Allow my brother Jeremy to attend. Unfortunately, romance was not in the air with my entourage in tow, and we lost touch shortly thereafter.

Another 7 years later went by and I was starting dental school in San Francisco when Mark messaged me on Facebook. He had remembered my dream all those years before of being a dentist and reached out to congratulate me. Eventually, we began long distance dating and through our endless conversations, Facetime movie dates, food escapades, and outdoor adventures, Mark became my best friend.

Mark asked me to be his wife while we were exploring the majestic Cascade Falls in Lake Tahoe. I was busy leaping down from a step to get closer to a waterfall when Mark got down on one knee. When I realized he was proposing, my heart exploded with love and gratitude in ways I never knew possible. My wholehearted “yes” came easy and natural. Throughout our story, I’ve always known we were meant to be.

That day, we silently thanked each other for being “the one”, who makes the tough days more bearable and the joyous ones that much sweeter. We have so much appreciation towards our photographer and friend, Nicole Berrett, who captured the authenticity of our commitment to each other that we are so proud to celebrate and share.

Our story was 17 years in the making and proved to me that no matter how random or unexpected life is, love does not bring a couple together by accident or chance. Instead, I believe in love’s rich deliberateness and thank God for bringing us together.”

Vendor Details

Photography: Nicole Berrett Photography | Film Lab: Photovision | Stylist & Planner: Sage + Stem | Floral Designer: Carte Blanche | Dress Designer: Fiore Couture | Venue: Sassi | Cake Designer: Honey Moon Sweets | Hair & Makeup Artist: Hair by Emily Hughes | Bridesmaids Dress: Joanna August (specifically this and this)

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Mark & Christine from Daniel L. on Vimeo.


David Christine - 6 July 2017

Stunning pictures !


Beautiful photography, colors, tone, and couple. Love this.

Laurene - 28 April 2017

Beautiful outdoor ceremony.

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