Whimsical School House Wedding

Jul 08, 2016 | Weddings

Ah, we love a good love story. Today's real wedding is about fate ... and a ton of perfectly whimsical details! Wedding Sparrow favorite, the talented D'Arcy Benincosa, flawlessly conveyed these two and their calm, blissful demeanor. We were of course initially won over by this sweet story of how they met, then wowed by the lovely florals and meaningful details infused throughout their day. Pinterest boards at the ready!

From the bride: “George and I’s love story is simple, yet complicated and somewhere in the land of perfectly imperfect. We met while I was on sabbatical from my career in fashion. I had just returned from a modeling contract in China and was exhausted, depleted… and found myself in need of some major healing. I ran to the mountains of Utah where I was to be nothing more but a ski bum, spending mydays skiing and my evenings drinking PBR. My plan was working out perfectly, I was to spend a winter in Park City and return tomylife in fashion as soon as the snow began to melt. And then fate stepped in. Fate stepped in as this cocky professional skier, who strutted around the resort as if he owned it flashing a smile that would melt even the coldest of hearts. I was intrigued… but another “bad boy”? No thank you, sir, I had dealt with enough of those.

About a month into our “friendship” if you can even call it that, I struck up a conversation about his life outside of being a skier. Turns out that he owned a small business and needed some help with his marketing. Well, lucky for this guy, I happened to be a web developer and graphic designer on the side. I could make some extra cash to help fund my winter of bum-ville. I rode over to his office with my portfolio and beloved german shepherd, Andi, in-tow and was ready to talk business.

As soon as I arrived to his office, I was greeted by a german shepherd eagerly wagging his tail. Hm. How interesting. We had the same dog. So I let Andi out of the car and the two dogs immediately made friends. How was it possible that this ski bad-boy had such a sweet pup? Well, anyway, I walked into the office to find “Foxy” as everyone called him waiting at his desk with that huge to-die-for smile on his face. I was a gonner.

The good news was… so was he."

Whimsical School House Wedding Pin it
Park City School House Wedding by D'Arcy Benincosa Photography Pin it
Whimsical School House Wedding Pin it
Park City School House Wedding by D'Arcy Benincosa Photography Pin it
Whimsical School House Wedding Pin it
Park City School House Wedding by D'Arcy Benincosa Photography Pin it
Whimsical School House Wedding Pin it
Park City School House Wedding by D'Arcy Benincosa Photography Pin it
Whimsical School House Wedding Pin it
Park City School House Wedding by D'Arcy Benincosa Photography Pin it
Whimsical School House Wedding Pin it
Park City School House Wedding by D'Arcy Benincosa Photography Pin it
Whimsical School House Wedding Pin it
Park City School House Wedding by D'Arcy Benincosa Photography Pin it
Whimsical School House Wedding Pin it

Vendor Details

Photographer: D'Arcy Benincosa | Film Lab: Goodman Film Lab | Floral Designer: Rachel Osguthorpe | Venue: Washington School House | Cake Designer: Tess Comrie | Hair & Makeup Artist: April Benincosa


1 Comment
Rachel - 9 July 2016

This was one of my favorite weddings! I loved your post, it looks like my last name, Osguthorpe, was spelled incorrectly. Please make that correction, thank you!

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